BIO-RAD电泳系统之电源你选对了么? Bio-Rad向的生命科学研究和临床诊断领域提供了广泛的研究设备和技术服务,其技术始终处于世界的前列。其中,生命科学部名列世界*五名,临床诊断部名列世界排名*名。现有30余个分公司分布于世界各地,悉心服务于 70,000多个研究所,工厂和临床的实验室。主要BM体育游戏有蛋白组研究BM体育游戏、层析仪与填料、蛋白质和核酸电泳BM体育游戏、基因枪与电穿孔仪、定量基因
Bio-Rad现货 owerPace Basic 基础电源是PowerPac 300 的替代品, 应用于浸没式水平电泳或小型垂直凝胶电泳等。 这款高品质的电源小巧、可叠放,并且编程简单。 PowerPac Basic 电源具有定时控制、恒压或恒流输出以及暂停/继续运行等功能。 PowerPace Basic 电源可作为整套电泳系统的 一部分购买。所提供的系统包括小型垂直电泳槽或
伯乐/Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 37.5:12 x 500 ml, 30% acrylamide and bis-acrylamide solution, 37.5:1
伯乐/TC20™Automated Cell Counter120–240 V, includes instrument, power supply, USB flash drive, 30 dual-chamber counting slides (60 counts), 1.5 ml trypan blue
伯乐/ReadyStrip™ IPG Strips/1632011Pkg of 12, 17 cm, pH 5–8, immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strip for first-dimension separations on the PROTEAN® i12™ IEF and PROTEAN IEF systems
伯乐/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052100–120/220–240 V, power supply for high-current applications such as western blotting, includes power cord
伯乐/小型 Mini Trans-Blot® 转印槽/现货Gel transfer cell and basic power supply (#164-5050), for two 10 x 7.5 cm gels, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, foam pads, electrodes, tank, cooling unit, lid with cables
伯乐/半干转印系统转印槽/1703848/现货100–120/220–240 V, semi-dry electrophoretic transfer cell and HC power supply (#164-5052), includes agarose gel support frame, extra thick blot paper in 4 sheet sizes
伯乐/ProteinAssayDyeReagentConcentrate450 ml, colorimetric assay dye, concentrate, for use with Bio-Rad Protein Assay Kits I and II
伯乐/小型垂直板电泳槽/1658025/4-gel vertical electrophoresis system (#165-8001) and PowerPac Basic power supply (#164-5050), for 1.0 mm gels, includes five 10-well combs and casting accessories for up to 4 gels
伯乐/Mini-PROTEAN®TetraElectrodeAssemblyPkg of 1, replacement electrodes, for use with Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell
伯乐/Mini-PROTEAN®Tetra手灌胶系统Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra 手灌胶系统灌制的凝胶可以在 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 或高通量 Mini-PROTEAN® 3 Dodeca™ 电泳槽(用于Z多运行 12 块凝胶)上使用。 手灌胶附件为您提供多种灌胶选项,如各种厚度、多种加样梳类型,提高灌胶方便性的凝胶架等。
伯乐/Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra Cell/16580032-gel vertical electrophoresis system, 1.0 mm gel thickness, includes casting stand, 2 casting frames, 10-well combs, 5 short plates, and 5 spacer plates
伯乐/Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra Cell/16580014-gel vertical electrophoresis system, 1.0 mm gel thickness, includes companion module, 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, 10-well combs, 5 short plates, and 5 spac
伯乐/Buffer Tank and Lid/1658040Pkg of 1, replacement tank and lid for use with Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra cell